Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is an intensive training program for high school juniors. Talented young people attend a 3-day seminar organized by Rotarians of District 5650. The RYLA program enables young people to debate issues of professional responsibility and human relations as well as improve leadership and communication skills. They will also learn about ethical behavior in businesses and institutions.
Students attending RYLA will learn the following:
- To think critically about important issues and share ideas with talented peers.
- Learn how to coordinate and lead community service projects.
- Discuss the importance of good governance and civil society to the world.
- Learn to think globally and explore issues that transcend national borders.
- Meet Rotary leaders and learn about other Rotary programs and opportunities.
- Explore new career paths and hear from successful leaders and professionals.
Lincoln Rotary Club 14 sponsors scholarships to facilitate the attendance of local students at the workshop.